Photo credit: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
As her final outfit at the MTV Video Music Awards, Lady Gaga put some meat on her bones -- a Franc Fernandez dress (plus boots, hat, and purse) cut together from what appeared to be slabs of raw meat. The outfit echoed the controversial meat bikini she recently wore for the cover of Vogue Hommes Japan.
After the show, in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Gaga tried to explain that the dress was a political statement. Discussing how she'd been escorted to the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles by members of the U.S. military who had been discharged from the service due to the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, Lady Gaga said: "It is a devastation to me that I know my fans who are gay ... feel like they have governmental oppression on them. That's actually why I wore the meat tonight."
Vegan DeGeneres, who speaks out on behalf of animal rights, pounced on the topic while keeping her distance from the dress. "It's certainly no disrespect to anyone that's vegan or vegetarian," Gaga responded. "As you know, I am the most judgment-free human being on the earth. It has many interpretations, but for me this evening, it's 'If we don't stand up for what we believe in, we don't fight for our rights, pretty soon we're gonna have as much rights as the meat on our bones."
AT the end of the interview DeGenerous presented Gaga with a kale bikini and grass skirt custom made for her. Maybe the next time she gets the urge to wear a garment fashioned from dead animal carcasses, she'll think twice.
Gesturing to the Japanese Vogue cover (above), she snarled and added, "And I am not a piece of meat." I hate to tell you this Gaga, but we are all made of meat -- no speciesism intended!
"I never thought I'd be asking Cher to hold my meat purse."
That was Lady Gaga's opening statement when she stepped onstage at MTV's Video Music Awards Sunday to receive her Video of the Year award from pop legend Cher.
The meat dress's designer, Franc Fernandez, has yet to issue any statements about his unusual gown -- or confirm whether it was truly made of actual meat -- but he retweeted Cher's compliment: "The way it was cut & fitted to her body was AMAZING ! Meat purse was genius ! As Art piece it was astonishing! No moral Judgement!" Fernandez, who has also dressed Beyoncé and Christina Aguilera, made the diamond headpiece Gaga wore in the video for "Bad Romance," which picked up seven of the singer's eight VMA wins last night.
PETA, was not a fan. The animal-rights advocacy organization quickly issued a statement condemning Gaga for her offbeat sartorial choice. "Meat is the decomposing flesh of a tormented animal who didn't want to die, and after a few hours under the TV lights, it would smell like the rotting flesh it is and likely be crawling in maggots -- not too attractive, really."Source:FrancoFernandez, Yahoo.com
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